Kul Wicasa Oyate
The Lower Brule Sioux Tribe welcomes you!
Discover our beautiful country in the grasslands and breaks along the west
bank of the Missouri River in the Big Bend
area of central South Dakota.

The Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Human Services
The Lower Brule Human Services program serves members of federally recognized tribes residing on the LB reservation. The human services program provides eligible individuals with economic assistance, emergency assistance, burial assistance and assistance related to a catastrophic event. Applications can be accessed at the human services office.
LBST General Assistance Eligibility Requirements
Proof of enrollment in a federally recognized tribe
Proof of residence on the LB reservation (if new to the area, must have proof of residing here 30 days)
Must be 18 years of age
Must have enrollment and social security cards for all members listed on application and birth certificates for all minor children
Proof of recent job history
A list of current resources that any members in household are receiving such as SSI or SNAP
The LBST general assistance program is for those individuals/families that are not eligible for other State and/or Federal resources. If you meet the eligibility requirements outlined above, please stop in the office for an application.
Vacant, Manager
Barb Bad Horse, Receptionist
Rikki Middletent, Interim Manager
LBST Human Services
187 Oyate Circle
Lower Brule SD 57548
Phone (605) 473-5561 -- Fax (605) 473-8051